WordPress site Maintenance & Management

That moment when you realize neglected maintenance just borked your site…

Say it with us: “Never. Again.”

All About Site Care

AFV’s WordPress site maintenance service is for independent small businesses that rely on their websites to drive growth and revenue—freeing them to focus on what they do best.


Unlike most backup solutions, Site Care gives you easy, dependable cloud backups you can actually use.

  • Unlike plugins, our backups are quick & reliable.
  • Our backups don’t hurt site speed.
  • Daily or hourly backups available.
  • No bulky backups wasting your hosting space – we store them safely in the cloud.
  • Quick, easy restore – unlike free backup solutions. We do it for you.


No more fears about plugin, theme or WordPress updates breaking your site. We’ll handle them all for you – safely.

  • Regular, timely updates keep your site safe & performing well.
  • No more logging in & finding stacked-up updates.
  • Our Safe Update process allows us to quickly roll back your site if anything goes wrong.
  • Hands-on, personalized care every day – not automated.


Site Care isn’t outsourced or off-shored. We personally care for your site. Our firewall keeps your site safer by blocking bad actors, malicious scripts & brute force login attempts.

Plus, we check daily for:

  • Malware and infected files.
  • Blacklisting – know immediately if major safe browsing services downgrade your reputation or block your site.
  • Loading errors or outdated software.
Site Care includes all of the above, plus:
  • Uptime monitoring – know if/when your site goes offline so you can take action.
  • Regular performance checks – know if your site’s speed begins creeping into the danger zone.
  • WP Rocket premium performance plugin – safely speed up your website.
  • Discount on Help Time, our flexible service for tackling WordPress fixes, tutoring or trouble.
  • Monthly report – know exactly what plugins and themes we updated, and get overviews of your site’s security, performance and traffic.
  • No need to change web hosts – we’ll work with you wherever you are.
  • No long-term contract. Cancel any time.

Less stress for me.
Better care for my website.
Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Our backend stuff is just taken care of. I don’t have to waste time worrying about it or trying to address issues with plugin updates. Site Care adds peace of mind.
—Ari Adler/Trekers

Site Care Options


Tune Up


Experience the benefit of professional Site Care, with no further commitment.

Get your site in shape nowwithout wasting your time or risking post-update glitches.

Professional, hands-on care by AFV – not outsourced or automated.

Safe update process for your plugins, themes, and core WordPress software.

Security scan for vulnerable plugins & hidden malware.

Pre-update backup & quick restore if an update causes a conflict.

Brief overview of work completed and general site health.

$25 off Full-Service Site Care signup within 14 days of Tune Up service.


Site Care


Put your site maintenance and update tasks in pro hands.

Professional care for your WordPress website – without the 8-12 hour/month time investment.

Daily Smart Backups to the cloud save disk space & protect your site from server & web host issues.

Security scans for vulnerable plugins & outdated WordPress software.

Done-for-you (by usnot automated!) plugin, theme & WordPress core updates.

Safe process; we review every update & roll back instantly if we spot a problem.

Security scans & daily monitoring.

WP Rocket premium performance plugin (on request).

Detailed website health report to your inbox every month.

$25 off every tech support request.


Website Care


Our streamlined plan, exclusively for minimal, one-page websites designed/built by AFV.

Daily Smart Backups to the cloud protect your site from server & web host issues.

Intelligent, efficient system backs up your entire site, then checks daily for changes.

Automated plugin, theme & WordPress updates as needed.

Security scans for vulnerable plugins & outdated WordPress software.

Detailed website health report to your inbox every month.

$25 off every tech support request.

No site admin access allowed.

Limited plugin options.

Site Care is right for you if…

You’ve never been hacked, had a problem with a backup, or had an update wreck your site – and you want to keep it that way.

You had no clue that WordPress as well as your theme and plugins would all require updates. Constantly. You’re sick of spending time on updates every time you log in. Even worse, you’re never sure if it’s safe to click update. You cringe every time you hit the button.

You have no backups. Or, you think your host might have them (but you’re not entirely sure). Or if you are sure, you have no clue how to USE the backups if you ever need them.

You’ve heard enough horror stories to know that merely HOPING nothing goes wrong with your site is a bad plan.

You aren’t big enough for a full-time tech team (yet). But you see value in establishing a relationship with an expert before disaster hits your website – the kind that will cost you a lot more than a few dollars a day.

Site Care might not be a good fit if…

You’re rarely – if ever – crunched for time. You don’t mind spending 8-10 hours per month making sure your site is safe and well maintained. You’re not bothered by the occasional challenge of an update gone wrong, either. (Much respect, friend ????????)

You only randomly update your stuff, if at all. You don’t have backups and never worry about hackers using outdated or vulnerable themes or plugins to get into your site.

Your website isn’t a business – just a hobby. It’s not something you’re counting on for your livelihood, or that you care about enough to invest a few dollars a day to protect.

Time is money.

Your website helps you make money. Site Care keeps your site safe, healthy, and saves hours every month vs DIY maintenance. Take better care of your site and your business now—click to choose the option that’s right for you.