Some people want to know the truth about their site – even if it’s ugly. Maybe you just need to make it through the day.
If all you need is to feel OK about your site, our pro-level coping tactics below will fix you up.
(But if you’re actually concerned about a slow site, maybe go speed it up or something. This post will not help you, friend.)
1) For the love of Pete, don’t do a speed test
Without test results staring you in the face it’s so much easier to pretend you don’t have a problem. Kinda like avoiding the bathroom scales after a week of bingeing on bacon-wrapped Krispy Kremes.
2) Believe if it seems fast enough to you, it’s OK for visitors
Really believe.
Deny knowing anything about browser caching or how it makes already-visited pages seem faster. Definitely don’t admit that caching is in play when you check out your website.
Clearing your browser cache before browsing your site could give you a dose of reality you don’t want. Don’t do it!
3) Get OK results from 1 speed test…Never. measure. again.
That whole caching thing happens with speed test websites, too. So if you get lousy results on GT Metrix, Pingdom or YSlow, just click the re-test button. Things might look a lot better.
Your site might not actually load any quicker, but that’s not what we’re after, is it?
Or, maybe you actually did have a super zippy site, and test results to confirm it.
Once you’ve documented that amaze-balls site performance and bragged about it to the blogosphere, go crazy!
Get that ThemeForest theme (how about Avada?!?), add Sumo plugins, an Instagram widget, the Pinterest Pin-it plugin and maybe even a 2MB header image?
Please don’t do any of these things. Even if you’re not 100% sure how to solve it, knowing you’ve got a problem with site speed gets you one step closer to solving it.
We’ve got a ton of site speed posts on our blog that’ll help you understand what slows your site. We have a done-for-you speed optimization service that will most assuredly help almost any WordPress Site. And for the DIY’ers here’s 100+ ways to speed up your site.
When your site’s slow, you lose visitors, page views, revenue and reputation. That’s nothing to kid yourself about.