Does website speed really matter?


If you care about earning money with your website or blog, the answer is clear. Give Hubspot’s 2.5 minute video below a look and you’ll understand why the answer is YES – website speed matters. A lot.

Our speed optimization recommendations differ slightly from Hubspot’s, but their video helps you quickly understand why site speed is important.

That’s step #1 in preventing a slow website, or speeding things up if that’s where you are.

(We’ll share our speed improvement recommendations further down the page.)

Why is just a few seconds more (or less) page speed that important?

Mobile internet use is at the heart of everyone’s increased focus on page speed. But website speed affects all visitors.

In short, speed equals revenue.

Think with Google

Slower cellular internet
Much of mobile web use takes place over cellular data connections, magnifying slow loading times. A page that feels only a little sluggish via a land-based internet connection can be downright intolerable via 3G.

Shaken confidence
When visitors land on a page that’s struggling to load it can cause them to feel as though the technology behind the site isn’t reliable or trustworthy.

Short attention spans
It’s sad how likely visitors are to, as page load times increase, hit the back button and try another site. It’s literally costing them nothing – why wait on a slow site?

How long will visitors wait for a page to load?

Google’s latest research found that more than half of mobile users left if a site took more than three seconds to load. Yikes.

how much does website speed matter? a lot.

At A Fearless Venture, we aim for two seconds or less total load time, and work hard to make sure perceived speed is even faster.

How can you optimize your website speed?

Image optimization is by far the easiest, best and cheapest way to make the biggest improvement in site speed.

Beyond image optimization, the best ways to improve website speed are:

  1. Work with us to identify and correct page/site speed issues.
  2. Start with or switch to a well-coded, fast-loading theme.
  3. Choose fast, high-quality website hosting.
  4. Avoid using page builders (e.g., Divi, Elementor, Thrive, WP Bakery, SiteOrigin).

No matter what, faster is better and less is more.

Think with Google